
I’ve been creating these stop motion videos to go with my music since 2020. I have used photos and paintings for the background of these projects while digitally adding shapes, letters and designs. As I’m creating the images I take hundreds to thousands of digital photos to create a single video. I find that having a visual accompaniment for my songs creates a more immersive experience with the art. Most of the these videos are very short with just a piece of music over the top usually maxing out at under a minute. Some of these can also be seen on Spotify’s ‘canvas’ when listening to the songs. They will play on a 3-8 second loop there. 

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+song+    type, retype

+album+    re-arranging

+original painting+    james temte

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+song+    for the moon/tether

+album+    everyone remixes

+original painting+    james temte

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+song+    water sliding downhill/pass(age)

+album+    single – in collaboration with simon piler. 

+original artwork+    davyd betchkal

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+song+    open your heart

+album+    everyone

+original painting+    james temte

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+song+    transfiguration

+album+   transfigurations

+original photo+    _. oakley

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