

Original painting clean slate by James Temte


there. is. a. focus. on. time. I wrote these songs in late 2020 early 2021, shortly after my father passed away. They reflect somewhat of where my mind was during that time. They capture a wrestling with thoughts that were unable to be clear. The songs are inherently rough around the edges. And instead of trying to clear them up and make them well polished I decided to pretty much leave them as they were written and recorded, most of them late at night with the Anchorage dec.-jan. cold and snow outside. Most of these tracks are single takes, writing as I was recording. I wrote around 20 songs on the piano over the course of these winter months and this record has the first chunk of songs from that period. As I listen to this record I am instantly taken to that space in time. 



———^> clean slate

———–^> clean slate

———>^> clean slate

——–> clean slate


——-> clean slate

————-> clean slate

buy/stream clean slate on spotify, apple music, itunes, BANDCAMP, amazon (unionize please) or wherever you get your music.

———-> clean slate

—–> clean slate

<videos & stop+motion+>


cleanslatecleanslatecleanslatecleanslatecleanslatecleanslatecleanslatecleanslatecleanslatecleanslatecleanslatecleanslatecleanslate follow.me.on.youtube.&.spotify.

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